Dr. George Ivanishvili-Orbeliani has received a Senior Fellowship and became a Professor of the Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of Bologna, the oldest university in the world more…
Dr. George Ivanishvili-Orbeliani has received a Senior Fellowship and became a Professor of the Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of Bologna, the oldest university in the world more…
International Centre for Social Research and Policy Analysis in collaboration with Maastricht University and Kiel Institute for the World Economy is implementing the European Commission funded project “The effects of migration in Moldova and Georgia”. This two year (2010-12) project aims to produce a holistic report and a large database
After “Rose Revolution” the capacity of civil society has been significantly weakened. International centre for Social Research and Policy Analysis is launching a new project which aims to conduct benchmarking analysis, diagnostic analyzis of civil sector in Georgia, and provide strategic recommendations for effective democratic governance more…
ცენტრის თავმჯდომარემ დოქტორმა გიორგი ივანიაშვილ-ორბელიანმა გააკეთა მოხსენება – გლობალური მმართველობა: პოლიტიკური ხელისუფლების ტრანსფორმაცია”, საერთაშორისო საკითხთა შემსწავლელ აგლობალურ კონფერენციაზე, რომელიც გაიმართა 2011 წლის 17-20 აგვისტოს, პორტუგალიაში ვრცლად…
Dr. George Ivaniashvili-Orbeliani has presented the new ideological concept – “Promoting Knowledge Based Economy in Georgian Universities”, at the international conference on Education, Research and Innovation” held on 15-17 November 2010, in Madrid more…
The biography of Dr. George Ivaniashvili-Orbeliani has been included in Who’s Who in the World, which is the most comprehensive biographical directory of notable individuals, whose achievements and success are worthy of recognition